Amager bryghus rugporter


image“Amager Rye Porter is the result of fruitful cooperation between the best of Danish and American brewing cultures. It’s base is made of hard roasted malts and 16% rye. It adds a fantastic sweetness, and a titillating spicy edge, which, combined with a subtle and balanced acidity, is reminiscent of rye bread. This is not a beer for the weak, we’re pleased with the outcome and hope you will be too”

These Danish masters just keep bringing the goods, this one we have here is a rye porter, or “rug porter” in Danish. We served just below room temperature into a snifter glass. It pours an expected dense black with crimson edges and a thin, but lasting brown cap. Good head retention here, allowing some nice lace trails to be omitted. Great depth in the aroma. Essentially, very earthy with big chocolate, spicy rye and roasted malts, espresso and licorice notes. Also picked up subtle undertones of vanilla and spice. Creamy mouth feel. Mild carbonation with medium-full body. Nice and full, gripping nicely to the tongue. Upfront the flavour is again, very earthy/muddy with hints of spice, grains and molasses that lead into the mid. Quite moreish finish with a lingering hop and roasted espresso like bitterness on the back of the palate. A slight booze burn (8.5%) is also evident but doesn’t overwhelm which is great considering its strength. Great porter, we love any beer with a good spicy rye component. Amager smashes it again!