Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Milk Stout


13962482_554288751421941_7952086833282044183_n“Our Peanut Butter Milk Stout is simply irresistible. It’s like dark chocolate Reese’s in a glass! Rolled oats and Lactose add to the creamy body of this beer while heavenly aromas of roasted buttery peanuts and chocolate greet you with every sip. Try this out with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a real treat!”

Served in a snifter glass. Pouring predominantly black with edges of dark brown being revealed when held to the light. A fizzy tan head sitting about a fat finger in height rapidly reduces to a ring with a scarce amount of lace being left behind. There’s one word for this aroma….wow!! She’s unbelievably sweet but the robust presence of roasted malts, chocolate, cocoa and coffee pull it back extremely well. Peanut butter definitely comes through albeit conservatively as wafts of lactose, vanilla, milk sugars, toffee fudge and peanut butter ice cream only just scratch the surface. This is one of those really fun beers that can easily evoke memories of everything from chocolate bars to desserts. There’s no boundaries to this superb aroma. The mouth feel is surprisingly light on and approachable with a super smooth texture. So incredibly drinkable considering the style and rich flavours going on. What we really like is the fact that the flavour has been somewhat reversed as opposed to the nose. Chocolate, roasted malts and toffee bed down on the tongue as peanut butter, vanilla and lactose work off of it. Again, not only balancing but providing that moreish and insanely delicious sweetness that begs for another sip. As it progresses the roasty notes make a return before it’s punctuated by all of the above along with a lingering creamy sweetness that’s dangerously addictive. Amazing. Simply brilliant milk stout here. In a climate where dessert stouts are popular this is a truly memorable offering that will no doubt stand out in our minds. Phenomenal!