Breheny Bro’s Queensland Bitter Ale


“Breheny Brothers Queensland Bitter Ale was RE launched based on the same recipe used when the beer was produced by cousins John Leslie Breheny and John Louis Breheny at Breheny’s Brewery in Toowoomba over 100 years ago. It is an easy drinking beer that will appeal to mainstream beer drinkers.”

Glassware: English pint.

Appearance: Deep golden complexion with a loose and fizzy head that swells to about a finger before forming a collar. Very little in the way of lacing.

Aroma: Very stock-standard characteristics here. It carries a hint of that aromatic English malt and hop which we loved about Wild Dog, but with a little bit extra bite in the form of of subtle yeast esters. Kind of has a hint of Cooper’s Sparkling Ale about it which we’re digging. Soft orange citrus tones, toasty malt, peppery spice, earthiness. A touch of apricot. Quite nice, we like it.

Flavour: Tell ya what if this really is the same recipe that the Breheny Brothers were brewing to all the way back in the late 1800’s then they were so far ahead of the game. It’s striking that balance between toasty, cereal malts and slightly citrusy, spicy hops. The bitterness is perfectly integrated and it all lands on such an incredibly neat and tidy finish. Good length on it as well.

Mouthfeel: Crisp and refined yet still holding a good weight. Finely carbed and the 5% ABV is right on the money.

Overall: Everything about this brewery we’re loving. The history, the OG labels, the quality of the beer. Even down to the fact that they chose Burnley Brewing to brew the beers for them. Onward and upward!