Garage Project ‘Silk Road’ Spiced milk stout.

This beer takes you on a spice journey, this spiced milk stout is brewed with lactose, almonds, watermelon seeds, green cardamom, saffron, aniseed, black pepper and hemp seed oil.

Glassware: pours cola with a big 2 finger width tan head full of mini bubbles that retains well. Plenty of sizzle up the sides of the glass. Held up to the light there is a beautiful ruby hue. The saffron?

Aroma: full of roasted malts with whiffs of pepper, cardamon, refreshing watermelon and a nuttiness that sits in the background.

Flavour: now get the roasted caramel malts, with almond nuttiness, aniseed licorice, very mild heat from the pepper and that lovely spice hit from cardamom. Ever so slight fruit hit of watery watermelon but its gone as the overpowering roast and spice takes over.

Mouthfeel: definite oilyness and creaminess from the hemp seed oil and lactose respectively. Well balanced bitterness from the roast and the alcohol is barely perceptible at 7.7% alc vol. Amazing brewing for all those spices included. Nothing too sharp or overpowering. Body is moderate at best. The lactose keeps it ever so slightly sweet but balanced and smooth “as silk”. Carbonation is low as expected.

Overall: absolutely divine. Impressive use of spice. So well balanced. So damn smooth. Slightly sweet offset by spice but tempered by nuttiness. Brilliant offering.