Green Beacon ‘3 Bolt’ Pale Ale


47322807_993506244166854_4611268191123931136_n“Passionfruit, mango and hints of malt sweetness.”

Glassware: Shaker.

Appearance: Bold amber with a light haze. A finger of white foam sits atop and works a wavy lace down the glass.

Aroma: Clean and refreshing notes of pine, herbs, grapefruit, zingy orange, passion fruit and light florals. Just the slightest touch of pithy citrus creeping in. Kind of a sweet malt structure – biscuity/doughy maybe a tad husky. Nicely balanced nose.

Flavour: An easy going blend of mango, citrus, pineapple and passionfruit to the fore. It’s supported by a nice malt sweetness, delicate earthy/spicy hop bitterness, tangy citrus and subtle grapefruit which delivers a light and well rounded finish.

Mouthfeel: Approachable, light and refreshing. Mild-medium body, moderate co2.

Overall: It’s just another light and uneventful Aussie pale ale. Yes it’s super palate-friendly and sessional but there’s nothing overly exciting about it. Good but not great.