Kaiju ‘Cerveza’ Crisp Lager


“Light on the hops, crisp and clean. Perfect for sun-soaked sessions or just chilling with your crew. It’s the brew you’ll consistently reach for, thinking, “Just one more.”  The perfect refreshment for every occasion.”

Glassware: American pint.

Appearance: Slightly pale light golden pour with a thumb of snow white head resting atop. Fairly good retention and patches of soapy lace cling to the glass as it subsides.

Aroma: What we’re loving the most about this little cerveza craze is that almost all of the ones we’ve tried thus far (excluding Balter’s version) are just simply better crafted beers than their traditional Mexican-brewed counterparts. Better ingredients too. This one, in particular, displays hints of that corn-inducing DMS but it’s really well countered by a clean bitterness, lemon/lime, herbal spice and florals.

Flavour: It’s a mirror image of the aroma – super crisp and sessional – but not as Mexican or cerveza-ish (definitely not a word) as other interpretations. In our opinion it tastes more like a clean, basic Aussie Lager until well past the mid where the creamed corn, peppery spice and herbals kick into gear and then help set up the crisp and tidy finish.

Mouthfeel: Light on, clean and crushable. Finely carbed, mildly bodied and the 4.4% ABV is right where it needs to be.

Overall: Falls somewhere between a tasty new world Lager and a Mexi Lager. It’s a well brewed beer but it ain’t knocking Sunday Road’s version off the top spot.