“This is the beer of the People. It was originally brewed for the locals, who lost a piece of their city when Carlsberg closed Stavanger’s only brewery in 2003. Our Pilsner is brewed with 100% Pilsner malts, Perle and Saaz hops, fresh German lager yeast, and carefully lagered to give the beer an authentic touch and clean finish.”
Served in a flute. It pours a nice straw golden colour with a slight haze. It generates a healthy three finger head which retains and weaves a blotchy lace down the walls of the glass.
Classic Noble hop qualities on the nose – earthy, herbal, a little spicy and a little floral around the edges too. Tucked in right behind is that crackery and somewhat grainy pilsner malt backing. Subtle undertones of cereal – corn flakes, rice bubbles etc. Classy.
Tasting more of the malts in flavour. Grain, crackers and cereal come through with a gentle line of earthy hops cutting down the middle. The malts offer a mild sweetnees midway and set up for a nice smooth and refreshing finish with touches of earthy herbal hop on the rear.
It’s light, reasonably crisp and crushable in the mouth. Medium-high co2 with mild-moderate body.
An all round session beer this one. Light in ABV (4.7%) and seriously easy to put back. Certainly more in your traditional style with those old world ingredients really putting on a show. Just a tasty and well brewed pilsner. Solid offering from Lervig.