Glass: Served in an English pint
Appearance: Black with a massive 2 finger cloud-like and soapy tan head that leave an enormous lace down the glass as the head settled to about a finger width. Certainly a lot of carbonation here as evident by the head, and not by the sides of the glass.
Aroma: Roasted malts, mild coffee, some soft chocolate, caramels, coconut/nuttiness, and toffee. Got a slight tang to it upon first sniff out of the can which we unsure if it’s hop or just yeast. Almost a lightness to the aroma like it’s hiding.
Flavour: Initial sip is light silky roast and then it intensifies in coffee and chocolate, with again a bit of a tang like there is a sour element to it?? We are wondering if there is a type of souring going on here mixed in with the dry roasting and nutty characteristic of the malts. There is bitterness there, with some booze heat but not overpowering at all. As we sip there is a slight medicinal element very back palate but it disappears quickly so as to not ruin it.
Mouthfeel: Silky and luscious as the can describes is right. It’s moderate in its body and carbonation is mild to moderate at best with a good swig. Alc vol here is 6.8% and hidden very well alongside malts. No IBU stated. Length trails off but elicits a sweet and sour thing which is food for thought. Feels slightly soft for a decent stout.
Overall: Not sure what to think actually. Not a bad beer though. We are trying to get around the mild sour element and understand it. With very little information on the can it leaves you wondering. The can does say “mesmerising”. Love to know the ingredients here. A mystery.