“Brewed in honour of Lt Edgardo Simoni (AKA The Fox) an Italian soldier captured in North Africa and interned in Australia during WWII. He infamously fled custody 3 times and cheekily assumed the identity of a door to door cosmetics salesman in Melbourne. He rose to be the company’s number one sales person whilst concurrently being Australia’s most wanted man.”
Glassware: IPA
Appearance: Clear golden amber with a big and frothy three finger crown. Good retention and thick soapy lace clinging to the glass as it ebbs.
Aroma: Pretty basic tropical fruits and sappy resin with spicy floral and orange citrus highlights. It fills out with quite a sweet caramel malt alongside a flutter of bush honey and eucalyptus-like herbals/florals. Maybe just the slightest hint of tea leaf coming through too.
Flavour: Weak and somewhat watered down notes of semi sweet caramel malts, honey, spicy pine resin, orange citrus and tropical fruits i.e mango, pineapple and stonefruit. Sets up for a fairly soft and uneventful finish which pulls up pretty short.
Mouthfeel: Thin and slippery over the tongue. There’s a vibrant Co2 which gives it a bit of texture though. 4.7% ABV – very light…could explain the lack of intensity.
Overall: We can never be too hard on the winemakers who try their hand at brewing as it’s not their day job. Although this is kinda weak and watery with muted flavour. Good for the entry level craft drinker that’s about it.