“The one of the hop heads. The malt that is used to reach the higher ABV and give this ale its heat and full bodied mouth feel, is hidden behind those massive additions of big floral hops late in the brewing process. It finishes sweet with lingering flavours of passion and grapefruits and a moderate level of spice from the american hops coupled with the esters from the carefully chosen house yeast.”

Glassware: IPA
Appearance: Nice and clear golden amber pour with a finger of sturdy off white head. Good retention and lacing as it ebbs.
Aroma: Doesn’t blow our minds but it goes along doing its thing reasonably well. First whiffs reveal a hint of florals, mild resin and spice with the delicate citrus and candy playing 2nd fiddle. Quite a hefty and semi sweet malt profile which really fluffs it out. As we touched on earlier…nothing life changing but it’s decent.
Flavour: Follows the nose. Kinda sticky and resinous, piney, spicy, light florals with the fruity hints of citrus, green melon and grapefruit punching through the middle. Semi sweet honey malts develop and continue in to the dry and bitter yet mildly sweet finish.
Mouthfeel: A little sticky, mild-medium body and Co2. 7.2% ABV offers a little bit of warmth but it’s generally well concealed.
Overall: This is our first entry for Rusty Penny but not our first time trying their beers though. This IPA is pretty run-of-the-mill but at the same time it’s not too shabby.