Slow Lane ‘Stanger Danger’ Kolsch


“Kolsch is a light, dry and hoppy ale originating from the German city of Cologne. A true Kolsch is required to be brewed according to rules within the Kolsch Konvention. These rules include that it’s brewed within 50km of Cologne, filtered and served in a 200mL cylindrical glass called a Stange. This is our version brewed 16,575km from Cologne, unfiltered and more than likely not served in a Stange.”

Glassware: Tumbler.

Appearance: It would have poured a gorgeous clear and bright golden colour if not for all of the suspended sediment. It forms a short white head which settles at the rim. Minimal lace as we go.

Aroma: Honestly it’s unlike any Kölsch we’ve had before. The classic florals and spicy hop profile synonymous with old world German beers are here but it has a distinct fruity tartness to it that almost comes off as sour. Very delicate honey and umami rice crackers here and there, some light cereal grains. Very unique…we’re still on the fence though.

Flavour: That tart/sourness on the aroma has all but disappeared. Now we’re tasting the true conventional Kölsch qualities of white bread crusts, spice, light florals, soft honey sweetness and savoury rice crackers. Getting a hint of raw almond/hazelnut and herbals through the mid leading into a clean and dry finish.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, dry and light on. Perfectly carbed and the 5% ABV is right on the money.

Overall: It’s like we went through the 5 stages of denial in one review! We went from dislike to serious dislike then to thinking it was OK and now we’re digging it haha. Respect.