This is one of the smaller Kiwi breweries we don’t see or hear too much about here in Australia. We ordered this one online from the beer cellar in NZ, we’re pretty sure this is the only place you can order one.
Anyway, on to the beer which we served in to a flute glass. Pours a pale straw-yellow with a big bubbly white head that persists but eventually peels away and retains at about 5mm. Leaves spotted lacing down the glass. The aroma offers a gorgeous IPA-like blend of citric grapefruit, zesty orange, floral hops and passion fruit. More of the pilsner aromas such as bready malts and a touch of corn come through once it starts to warm up. The mouth feel is a touch thin with mild-medium carbonation. Quite light on and a touch too slippery. Not much happening on the palate, we were kind of hoping for the flavour to follow on from the aroma but we could only detect light bready malts with a mild bitterness cutting through. Some hints of citrus develop through the mid and lead to the light, crisp finish. 4.8% ABV is about on par. This beer was the 2000 supreme champion in NZ along with at least half a dozen other awards. Not a bad pilsner, just nothing memorable.