“A witbier bursting with good karma. Made with dried organic orange slices, fresh-cut lemongrass and a bit of coriander, this Belgian-style white beer is a great thirst quencher. Namaste White was originally brewed at our pub in Rehoboth Beach with our Italian friend Leo from Birra del Borgo. It was a tribute to our friends at 3 Fonteinen brewery in Belgium, who had devastating production loss (1/3 of their annual production) in 2009. You can read more about the original brewing of this beer here on Sam’s blog.”
Served in a weizen glass. She pours the typical cloudy pale straw body but with a bright golden hue laced through. The pour generated a healthy two finger head which deconstructs and settles to a ring with some wavy lace left clinging to the glass. The aroma certainly presents more of a Belgian style rather than the Bavarian. She’s a fair bit stronger on the citrus tang and spice although the bottle does state that fresh orange slices and peppercorns were used in the brew. We’re getting nice wafts of fruit coming through too – hints of rock melon with subtle notes of apple pie in the background. Undertones of fresh coriander as well. Nice, summery and pretty well layered. So Dogfish! In the mouth it has a soft mineraly texture with delicate Co2. Quite light on, not so much that it’s thin but it glides over the tongue very swiftly. Lean body. Definitely a summer session beer so far. Taste follows on from the nose. Prominent orange flavours upfront with traces of herbs and subtle pepper in support. Hints of either pale or Munich malts offer a gentle grainy sweetness through the mid as a mild bitterness preludes a soft fruity finish with spicy and herbaceous notes in the tail. Look, to be honest we aren’t overly keen on witbier/weizen and we usually pan the shit out of most of the ones we try but this particular wit is quite palatable. No surprise though, as it is brewed by one of USA’s finest. It’s good….but nothing life changing.