“Pours silky black with a creamy tan head. The nose is sweet with strong chocolate and caramel malt presence. No absence of hops gives Founders’ robust porter the full flavor you deserve and expect. Cozy like velvet. It’s a lover, not a fighter.”
It has got to the point now that whenever we see a new brew from these guys on the shelves we don’t hesitate for one second. Beers like the breakfast stout, all day IPA and the backwoods bastard are the reason we keep coming back. Served in a snifter glass the jet black pour revealed mahogany hues when held against the light. Atop a dark 1 finger brown head gradually peeled away to a very fine covering. Mild lace. Aroma is a little restrained but mainly consisting of chocolate and coffee with hints of roasted malts and a light caramel sweetness. The taste is quite smooth, yet with a really dense texture that’s almost chewy in the mouth. Mild carbonation and fullish body. We love a thick, creamy porter and that’s what we have right here. There is a slight hop bitterness that flows through the robust roast upfront. Chocolate, roasted coffee and malts move forward through the mid and finish with a firm roast and bitterness on the back palate. At 6.5% this is a rich and delicious dark beer, but somehow almost sessional?! We don’t reckon a 6 pack would be far off. This is a top porter.