“A deep tawny colour, this big, bold American style amber is
packed with roast and crystal malts, balanced with a smack of American Cascade and Centennial hops. Forty Four American Amber is unfiltered and bottleĀ conditioned for maximum taste and enjoyment.”
A diamond in the rough is the best way to describe this brewery. In western Sydney, where this brewery is situated, was for years the heartland of dreary pubs and main stream beer until Dave and his crew breathed a fresh breath of crafty air in. Still on our list of must-visit breweries.
We served this ale in a shaker glass. Our slightly aggressive pour offers up a luscious deep amber with copper highlights. Crowning it off is a tight 1 finger cappuccino head that maintains well, eventually settling to a reasonably thick layer on top. Laced nicely. What we love about all of Dave’s beers is his intent to have the hops in the front seat…no matter what style of beer it is. Here we have a beer that is normally malt-driven but we are basking in this firm American hop-forward scent of pine resin, passion fruit, mandarin and grapefruit. Underneath the dominant hops is a slight toffee sweetness with delicate undertones of nuts and honeysuckle. In the mouth it has an oily texture with moderate carbonation and body. The first few sips yield a mildly evident alcohol warming (6.5% ABV) with notes of tropical fruits. An assertive bitterness definitely cuts through. Similar to the aroma, a background of caramel malts and nuts are detected before the dry, citric finish once again promotes the hops. Well it’s obvious this is an American influenced amber ale with the big dominant ‘C’ hops (Cascade & Centennial) taking centre stage. We loved it, but if you’re seeking your more malt-driven ambers then this isn’t for you. Otherwise…imbibe!