“Course of the saisons continues. For #001 we wanted Nelson Sauvin, we couldn’t get it so pulled a last minute sub of Sorachi Ace. This time we got Nelson, but couldn’t get Galaxy. We must have abused hops in a previous life.”
This is our first entry for this Victorian brewery. Like many other home brewers turned gypsy brewers, these two lads from Melbourne are yet to open their own establishment, so for now they brew their craft out of Cavalier’s tanks. Served in to a wide-rimmed tulip glass. A hazy straw-golden pour arouses a big, fluffy three finger crown that leisurely peels away and settles to a thick coating that persists. Draws some healthy lacing. Nice, strong aroma. Big and yeasty with a tonne of spice emanating. Pepper, clove and coriander are the dominant scents while a hint of vanilla and cardamon also creep in. Moderate acidity, we get a subtle candied lemon character while suggestions of orange peel are also in here. Maybe a faint hint if bubblegum and passion fruit just to sweeten the deal. Really nice, good start to this beer. We get quite a mineraly texture in the mouth. The Co2 levels are vibrant, giving a real lively effervescence on the tongue. Modest body and the 6.2% ABV is nicely fused in among the assembly of flavours. Great balance. A little bit of funky barnyard/hay and spice initiates the palate. A slightly assertive bitterness also shows up, carrying it all forward through the mid. Some soft citric notes develop late and lead in to a dry, grassy/herbal finish. Fine duration ensures a long, drawn out conclusion. We must admit we are very surprised by the quality of this drop. All the traditional Saison characters are here while the use of hops such as Sorachi Ace and Citra have been executed to perfection. Damn fine brew here, we really enjoyed it.