“Birra is a light, sessionable farmhouse ale. It is crisp with notes of black pepper and orange and goes perfectly with food.”
This is new brewery to us from Oklahoma USA, named Krebs brewing co. It is a saison and described as a sessional farmhouse ale. From the pour we get a hazy, straw colour with a massive bubbly head that dissipates quickly, leaving a 10mm head. Initial aroma of grain, Brett/farmhouse yeast, lemon and dough. Very similar to a Hoegaarden. First flavours again of farmhouse yeast, hay and light sweet malt. The palate is pretty soft and almost airy. Dry and a bit thin really but this brew is only 4.5% ABV so it’s brewed to be light. We get mild citrus here with malt sweetness and a mild yeasty end palate. Certain carbonation in the mouth with some peppery spice on the very back palate in between gulps. There is no lacing down this tulip glass. Look, in all fairness it’s very drinkable. It’s definitely sessionable and it would be a great starter beer as it’s light, dry and fresh. Nice.